Documentation Style Guide

Documentation Style Guide

To maintain industry parity, we take inspiration from the best, our Documentation Style Guide is based on Langchain's Documentation Style Guide

General guidelines​

Here are guidelines for contributing and writing docs for Gooey.AI.

Avoid duplication​

Multiple pages that cover the same material in depth are difficult to maintain and cause confusion. There should be only one (very rarely two), canonical pages for a given concept or feature. Instead, you should link to other guides.

Link to other sections​

Because sections of the docs do not exist in a vacuum, it is important to link to other sections as often as possible to allow a developer to learn more about an unfamiliar topic inline.

This includes linking to the API references as well as conceptual sections!

Be concise​

In general, take a less-is-more approach. If a section with a good explanation of a concept already exists, you should link to it rather than re-explain it, unless the concept you are documenting presents some new wrinkle.

Be concise, including in code samples.

General style​

  • Use active voice and present tense whenever possible

  • Use examples and code snippets to illustrate concepts and usage

  • Use appropriate header levels (#, ##, ###, etc.) to organize the content hierarchically

  • Use fewer cells with more code to make copy/paste easier

  • Use bullet points and numbered lists to break down information into easily digestible chunks

  • Use tables (especially for Reference sections) and diagrams often to present information visually

  • Include the table of contents for longer documentation pages to help readers navigate the content, but hide it for shorter pages

Last updated

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