Deploy to Web
One-click integration for your AI Copilot
Last updated
One-click integration for your AI Copilot
Last updated
Click on the Integrations tab
Use the “Gooey.AI” button
This will open the Web widget configuration page. You can add the following details:
Name of the bot
Description - this will be the introduction of the bot
By line and website link
Conversation Starters - add some introductory questions for the users
Hit Update
Test your bot here:
Click on the “Message the bot” button and test the bot.
Once you are happy with the performance of the tests, you can Embed the bot in your production website with just two lines of code.
Select Embed Settings
Use the “Embed Settings” to choose between “inline”, “pop-up” or “fullscreen” modes for your chat bot.
Add the code to the website
Copy the Embed code from the “Copy Embed Code” button and paste it into your website ```<body``` tag.
Your COPILOT is ready for the world! 😀
Contact us at if you would like to connect your bot to a WhatsApp from Gooey.